In 1999, after many years of overseeing business operations in a variety of industries, I began working in the operations/management and billing sector for medical clinics. I witnessed hundreds and thousands of dollars being written off or sent to third-party collection agencies, never to be recovered. Profits and patients were lost for good—and for no good reason.
I knew there had to be a better way to recover past-due debt in a way that would help both the patient and the medical/dental provider.
DB Debt Recovery is that better way. We enjoy providing a better alternative for our clients and their patients. We think of this as the DB Trifecta:
Better debt recovery translates to higher profits and healthier cash flow—the lifeblood of a strong business. By delivering these superior results as your debt recovery partner, our vision is to become a valuable asset to your practice.
Darci Bauer
Founder and President
Darci Bauer is the founder and president of DB Debt Recovery. Her business interests began at the young age of 13, when she started working in her father’s industrial business in Oakland, California. Seventeen years later, she was the majority owner of a John Deere dealership in Northern California.
In 1999, she moved to western Washington and channeled her business skills, experience and can-do attitude into the medical field. She managed the business operations and billing side of two outpatient radiology clinics in the Puget Sound area. In 2008, when the clinics’ owner retired and sold his assets to a local hospital, Darci developed a superior debt-recovery approach that doubled the low-return alternative of forwarding all outstanding accounts receivable to a third-party collection agency. Her approach doubled those returns and became the foundation of DB Debt Recovery.
When she’s not focused on business, Darci enjoys photography, decorating, cooking, exploring the Pacific Northwest, meeting new people, and spoiling her three kitties.
Over the last 40 years, the collections industry has focused on the lowest common denominator: the individual who is negligent with their debt, for which we require auto dialers, credit-report threats, and subpoenas.
We stopped to ask ourselves a question:
Our answer: Somewhere between 5-15 percent of all overdue accounts. This means that 85-95 percent of all A/R collections are being handled in a way that doesn’t fit the situation.
We asked another question:
The results are outstanding. The fact is, most people with past-due debt want to get it paid. The reasons for nonpayment are numerous, but few of them are criminal. By focusing on how we find people and on making a respectful connection with them when we do, we’ve been able to double—even quadruple—the amount of debt we collect.
That’s The DB Difference ™. That’s the first-party debt recovery difference.